The cost of maintaining AS/400 systems for cold storage is exorbitant. Infinite can migrate legacy data to AWS, Azure and Google Cloud in less than four weeks at a cost dramatically less than maintaining the obsolete AS/400 hosting rarely accessed information.
The conversation is performed automatically by the Infinite Toolset. It reads the external definition of each physical file, creates a corresponding table in Oracle or MS SQL, and directly populates the table. The toolset manages all procedurals and administration.
The legacy data in AWS, Azure and Google Cloud cold storage maintains the same file and record names. Reporting can be done via queries or more sophisticated database tools. A standard data analytics tool like Tableau will let you to easily produce meaningful information from historic data.
Infinite i is a secure direct repopulation of data within the same system. The operation does not depend upon on mapping via scripts or transferring data across networks. Each file, field and record is identical from source to target, only the format changes. The system confirms successful completion of each table. Should an error occur, the system will generate an error message, the entire table will be deleted from the target database, and the operation will be repeated. Once moved to the target, it is stored in a standard Oracle or MS SQL database with all the protections those systems provide.
Infinite Datalink Connect for DB2/400, takes a complete SAVF from the AS/400 physical and logical structure, recompiles it into the target platform, and writes the data to MySQL in one complete operation. It automatically translates EBCDIC data to ASCII and creates tables and views from the original physical and logical files. This is a one-time complete data migration process. Once migrated, you can easily move data to and from workstations or PCs for data manipulation and analysis because it is all in either Oracle or MS SQL.
For decades, Infinite Corporation has provided enterprise-wide data access across disparate hardware platforms. With Infinite's proven migration and integration technology, your AS/400 data can now easily be migrated to an open database environment. The benefits mean that data can be shared in real-time with other applications using MySQL, BI tools, and data management requirements.
• Infinite Datalink Connect for DB2/400 automatically creates schema in MySQL.
• Target is a standard MySQL database.
• Read/write access to the former AS/400 database.
• Distributed access through MySQL, including multisite queries, subqueries, joins, and views.
• Distributed transactions protected by MySQL two-phase commit protocol.
• Data transfer between the AS/400 and MySQL, performed in a single statement.
• Automatic repopulation from AS/400 to MySQL.
• All Oracle or MySQL data types supported, including CHAR, NUMBER, and DATE.
• All AS/400 data types supported, including packed and zoned decimal.
• Complete site autonomy.
• Normal database administration procedures per corporate policies.
• No need to duplicate AS/400 data definitions in Oracle or MySQL.
• Uses ANSI/ISO standard SQL.
• Provides MySQL data dictionary views of foreign data.
• Supports most MySQL Data Manipulation Language (DML) SQL extensions, stored procedures and packages.